1.THE FACTS OF LIFE by Tom Chin:
A loving grandfather substitutes for a dad ‘missing in action’ to inform his young grandson about the ‘birds and the bees’. The grandson, as kids are today, is way ahead of grandpa and drops a bombshell into the conversation.
2.GET A JOB! by Jim O’Hara:
A grandson visits his grandfather in South Jersey expecting to hang out with his devices on social media on his summer break from school. Gramps has other ideas and takes him on his first job interview.
3.TROUBLE IN OCEAN CITY by Edward Shakespeare:
In a case of a mistaken location, a vacationer ends up in Ocean City, NJ instead of Ocean City, MD.
PRODUCER: Marlene May, South Jersey Players, Inc.
Edward Shakespeare
Jack Parrish
Parker Smith
Joe Chialastri
Dayle Friedman
Kim Halverson
Jolie Parrish